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Trick or Treats (Code Red) (Blu-Ray)


Five years after his wife, Joan (Carrie Snodgress, THE FURY), had him wrongfully and deliberately committed to a mental institution so she could live with her boyfriend (David Carradine, KILL BILL, TV’s KUNG FU), Malcolm (Peter Jason, 48 HRS) escapes on Halloween night and arrives back at his old house to murder her.

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Directed by Gary Graver

Five years after his wife, Joan (Carrie Snodgress, THE FURY), had him wrongfully and deliberately committed to a mental institution so she could live with her boyfriend (David Carradine, KILL BILL, TV’s KUNG FU), Malcolm (Peter Jason, 48 HRS) escapes on Halloween night and arrives back at his old house to murder her. Except Joan is not home – she’s out with her boyfriend while babysitter Linda (Jacqueline Giroux, THIS IS A HIJACK) is looking after Malcolm’s 10-year-old son Christopher (Chris Graver), an equally psychotic and demented practical joker until, under cover of darkness, Malcolm shows up and begins a real terror game of attrition with Linda. Steve Railsback (THE STUNT MAN, LIFEFORCE), Paul Bartel (EATING RAOUL), Jillian Kesner (RAW FORCE), John Blyth Barrymore, Football greats Dan Pastorini and Tim Rossovich co-star. Written, produced and directed by cult filmmaker Gary Graver. The great Orson Welles (CITIZEN KANE) was the magical advisor for this cult classic.

Blu-ray Extras Include:

Audio Commentary with Stars Jackie Giroux, Peter Jason, Chris Graver and Cameraman R. Michael Stringer, Moderated by Sean Graver

Audio Interview with Actor Steve Railsback

Watch in “Katarina’s Bucketlist” Mode



Weight 7 oz
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